ALICE: I don’t understand taxes. Why are strangers taking the money I earned?
MAD HATTER: You pay them to protect you.

ALICE: But I don’t have a choice?
MAD HATTER: People would not pay if they had a choice.

ALICE: If I needed protection, I would be willing to pay.
MAD HATTER: Trust me; you need protection — from those who collect the taxes.

ALICE: If I don’t have a choice, then, isn’t it theft?
MAD HATTER: Not according to the Judge.

ALICE: Who is this Judge?
MAD HATTER: A rich guy who is paid by your taxes.

ALICE: I don’t like this, not one little bit.
MAD HATTER: Try lying to yourself, it works for most people.

Part II

ALICE: Hatter, about taxes, there is more to it than just the Judge, isn’t there?
MAD HATTER: Yes Alice. The Majority set up a system which let’s this happen.

ALICE: Why does a group have the right to take what is mine, while I cannot take their stuff?
MAD HATTER: Because they are stronger.

ALICE: Might makes right, then?
MAD HATTER: Only for the Government, who has a monopoly on legal aggressive force.

ALICE: Hatter, you have explained the HOW, but not the WHY. By what RIGHT do they steal from me?
MAD HATTER: I’ve studied this, and every attempted answer is a mere word salad of contradictions.

ALICE: What other wretched things does the government let itself do to me?
MAD HATTER: That totally depends on what the People will put up with.

ALICE: This should be taught in our schools!
MAD HATTER: In our government schools?

ALICE: Oh, right.




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