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50 Lies Believed By Others

Quote: It is easier to fool someone than to convince them they have been fooled.

Obvious, right? Political Parties use propaganda. Here is an example where the paint’s not yet dry. The word RACIST is being redefined. In the top University circles only white Westerners can be racists, by their new definition. An oppressed minority can, for example, hate & hurt anyone of the dominant race for the express reason that they hate that race, and this is not racism according to the new definition. I will explain why they do this later. Another example: suddenly tolerance means not tolerating opposing views. Let that sink in.

There have been many changes. I’ve been reading and I’ve been shocked. Things we learned early feel like universal truths. First let me review the framework of who has been changing things, and why.

There have been two main groups in the West, each with a competing value system. They have only a rough correlation to political parties or the labels Liberal and Conservative. Obviously, being clear will be a challenge since certain words have new meanings.

  • The Progressives want “progress” meaning change… to change away from core Western values.
  • What some Conservatives want is to preserve and restore those values.

The Main Stream Media is Progressive. When they claim they are unbiased, they mean they objectively compare every politician, regardless of party, to their set of Progressive values. When a Republican such as Teddy Roosevelt or John McCain holds some Progressive values, then the MSM reviews how they fit their agenda and will embrace them accordingly. They consider some of the Western values to be illegitimate & they have no desire to “objectively” consider them at all. The Conservatives are puzzled by the Progressive value system & are not amused at these claims of objectivity. Conservatives have been terrible communicators and have not been able to explain this.

I will be using the label Conservative, but keep in mind that some people, such as John McCain, have been erroneously called Conservative when they also call themselves Progressive. This is a deliberate distortion and it is meant to be confusing. Allow me to present the differences between these competitors. At a high level:

Conservative: Historically governments abuse citizens and use their power to gain more power. Citizens acting freely make better decisions than elite central planners.

Progressive: Very intelligent and well-educated elites can better direct Society, especially with minimal Constitutional restraints and with a great deal of power and flexibility.

This would be a fair debate… if… if only people were educated on the details without propaganda. The deceptions run deep.

When did Political Correctness begin? Many think in the 90s, others in the 60s. Its much older than that. It was born in the Universities, and the origins are well documented but not widely known. The purpose is to change the way we think: propaganda. PC is not about being nice. The early changes now feel very natural, and I will have a devil of a time convincing you that you were sold a bunch of malarkey. In fact, even the way we were taught to think about all this… is flawed.

Do you even want to know? You are no doubt comfortable with your current beliefs. Re-evaluating is hard work. Awkward. Do you want the Red pill, or the Blue pill? Do you want to see how far down this rabbit hole goes? You should either close this now, or continue our journey with the Ghost of Christmas Past….


The Consensus Device
The Core
Fundamental Transformation
Theft and Government
American Exceptionalism



ALICE: Hatter, I was having lunch with the Dormouse yesterday when he told me I must be kind and tolerant of other points of view.
MAD HATTER: Like the golden rule, then?

ALICE: Not exactly, right then the White Rabbit dropped by, but the Dormouse was rude, and would not let him sit with us – all because the White Rabbit was tolerant of someone else.
MAD HATTER: Ah, for the Dormouse, being tolerant requires we be intolerant of the tolerant, then?

ALICE: Indeed. I was so upset I left. What kind of crazy is that?
MAD HATTER: It is called being “Politically Correct,” and it was developed by German Communists during the Second World War

ALICE: I’m sorry, what?
MAD HATTER: The Frankfurt School came to Columbia University in 1935. They developed “Critical Theory” and what is now called being “PC” in order to advance Communism.

ALICE: Oh my, this sounds just awful.
MAD HATTER: It is awful; PC is used to bully people into accepting crazy notions like tolerance means being intolerant.

ALICE: That is another strange word game, like greed, justice, and so many others.
MAD HATTER: Communist Professors are good at that.

ALICE: If people will believe tolerance means intolerance, then what else might they believe?
MAD HATTER: Things like “War is Peace” and whatever else Big Brother tells them to believe.

ALICE: I read that in a book, I think?
MAD HATTER: Yes, George Orwell’s 1984 – a classic.

ALICE: I thought that was fiction.
MAD HATTER: Don’t we wish!




ALICE: I don’t understand taxes. Why are strangers taking the money I earned?
MAD HATTER: You pay them to protect you.

ALICE: But I don’t have a choice?
MAD HATTER: People would not pay if they had a choice.

ALICE: If I needed protection, I would be willing to pay.
MAD HATTER: Trust me; you need protection — from those who collect the taxes.

ALICE: If I don’t have a choice, then, isn’t it theft?
MAD HATTER: Not according to the Judge.

ALICE: Who is this Judge?
MAD HATTER: A rich guy who is paid by your taxes.

ALICE: I don’t like this, not one little bit.
MAD HATTER: Try lying to yourself, it works for most people.

Part II

ALICE: Hatter, about taxes, there is more to it than just the Judge, isn’t there?
MAD HATTER: Yes Alice. The Majority set up a system which let’s this happen.

ALICE: Why does a group have the right to take what is mine, while I cannot take their stuff?
MAD HATTER: Because they are stronger.

ALICE: Might makes right, then?
MAD HATTER: Only for the Government, who has a monopoly on legal aggressive force.

ALICE: Hatter, you have explained the HOW, but not the WHY. By what RIGHT do they steal from me?
MAD HATTER: I’ve studied this, and every attempted answer is a mere word salad of contradictions.

ALICE: What other wretched things does the government let itself do to me?
MAD HATTER: That totally depends on what the People will put up with.

ALICE: This should be taught in our schools!
MAD HATTER: In our government schools?

ALICE: Oh, right.





ALICE: Hatter, I’m not sure my schooling is going so well.
MAD HATTER: Have your grades been bad?

ALICE: No, not at all – my grades are good!
MAD HATTER: Then what’s wrong?

ALICE: I wanted to improve my brain, but I don’t think it’s working.
MAD HATTER: What are they teaching you?

ALICE: The first thing was to sit still and pay attention. And next, to remember and repeat.
MAD HATTER: Oh. Remembering is not really thinking, is it?

ALICE: I’m not sure, but obeying and repeating seems, it seems like learning NOT to think.
MAD HATTER: Doing what authority tells one to do was never part of a classical education.

ALICE: What kind of education is it, then?
MAD HATER: It is the kind preferred by bullies.

ALICE: How can I learn to think, you know, like the classical critical thinkers?
MAD HATTER: Since you are already questioning authority, I think you are doing it already, all by yourself.

ALICE: Should I quit school, then?
MAD HATTER: No, you will get in trouble for that.

ALICE: Ah, well,  that kind of tells us what’s happening, doesn’t it?
MAD HATTER: Only if you can think for yourself!





ALICE: Hatter, do you know the Wizard of Oz? I have some questions about his curtain…
MAD HATTER: The Wizard is my step Brother, I know him quite well. What is your question?

ALICE: What was really behind his curtain?
MAD HATTER: Why, the most powerful money creation device ever seen.

ALICE: Amazing! But there was so little space back there. How is this possible?
MAD HATTER: Space is not important; no space is needed at all. It is the idea which became the Federal Reserve.

ALICE: How does an idea create money? Can I do it?
MAD HATTER: You cannot, that would be illegal.

ALICE: Oh, pity. Did the government buy it?
MAD HATTER: No, the government does not own it.

ALICE: But I thought it was “Federal” ?
MAD HATTER: Ah, that is what they want folks to think. But, no.

ALICE: If the reserves cannot fit behind the curtain, then where are they?
MAD HATTER: There are no reserves, and there never were.

ALICE: This is quite odd!
MAD HATTER: That is why it is behind a curtain!

ALICE: Well okay. But can you tell me how it creates wealth?
MAD HATTER: Alice, money is not wealth.

ALICE: You are frustrating me severely! What is money, then?
MAD HATTER: Money is debt.

ALICE: Preposterous!
MAD HATTER: That is what most people believe. The curtain is the most important part of all this!

ALICE: Does the Government at least own the newly created cash ?
MAD HATTER: Certainly not! The new cash is distributed by some very wise men.

ALICE: Oh my, that must be exciting. What do they do with it all?
MAD HATTER: They make sure those who control things are loyal to them.

ALICE: They purchase loyalty?
MAD HATTER: Exactly! They have used rivers of debt-money, which they call fiat currency, to control the Media, Hollywood, universities, financial instructions, politicians, and everything important.

MAD HATTER: Owe, indeed!

ALICE: Why don’t people know about this?
MAD HATTER: I just said they control the Media.

MAD HATTER: You are repeating yourself.

ALICE: But this is all so… stunning.
MAD HATTER: I suppose. More tea?

ALICE: I think we need a whole Tea Party!
MAD HATTER: Young lady, do you think you can fight City Hall?

ALICE: Come along Toto, we have work to do.




ALICE: Hatter, the Dormouse said there is no real good or evil, that we just make it all up.
MAD HATTER: Some things are clearly good. When 99 different cultures all agree that things like honesty, loyalty, and bravery are good, then it’s just silly to pretend there are no universal values.

ALICE: But some of our values aren’t universal.
MAD HATTER: True. Different situations have different needs and priorities.

ALICE: So who is to say which bad things are really bad?
MAD HATTER: Folks will always debate the finer points, and turn to wise and objective voices to settle disputes.

ALICE: Why do so many argue so passionately against the idea of objective evil?
MAD HATTER: I’m sure there are many reasons, but a common one must be they wish to do evil things.

ALICE: Like what?
MAD HATTER: Most who deny objective virtue also want to, as they say, share the wealth.

ALICE: They want to take by force what others have earned.
MAD HATTER: And they want to pretend they are doing good as they do so, to make it easier to convince other laggards to support their efforts.

ALICE: So this entire argument is to let me claim there is no real reason I should not take part of your paycheck against your objections.
MAD HATTER: Exactly, this is what scoundrels do.




ALICE:  Hatter, what is a RIGHT?
MAD HATTER: There are two answers; the Queen says she may tax workers to give others what they need.

ALICE: Who determines what folks need?
MAD HATTER: The Queen, or your government.

ALICE: Oh, that seems odd. What about the other definition?
MAD HATTER: A RIGHT is something the Queen may not legally intrude on.

ALICE: So the two choices are, either stuff the Queen takes from some to give to others, or, things the Queen is forbidden to do.
MAD HATTER: Correct.

ALICE: Hatter, why have so many words been changed to give the government more power?
MAD HATTER: Like greed, justice, and rights?

MAD HATTER: Any government or Queen will use power to get even more power.

ALICE: In other words, power corrupts?
MAD HATTER: Exactly so.




ALICE: Hatter, the White Rabbit said Participation Trophies are bad. What is wrong with making kids feel good?
MAD HATTER: Kids need to learn how to succeed. To be happy they need to find their natural skills.

ALICE: Won’t the trophy encourage them?
MAD HATTER: Well no, instead it satisfies them, letting them be happy in the absence of success.

ALICE: But kids need self-esteem, right?
MAD HATTER: Alice, self-esteem created without achievement promotes narcissism.

ALICE: What is narcissism?
MAD HATTER: Its when a person thinks so much of themselves they don’t much care about others.

ALICE: So… if I get a trophy for no real reason, then I think I’m simply so wonderful I don’t need to work?
MAD HATTER: Exactly.

ALICE: That makes sense, actually. Why would trained educators not understand this?
MAD HATTER: Most do, sadly. you see, people who don’t find their talents, and who expect gifts for no reason, they can be controlled.

ALICE: They will just show up and demand a trophy which means….
MAD HATTER: Which means scoundrels can then buy their votes…

ALICE: … using share-the-wealth, again!
MAD HATTER: Exactly- Folks who really deserve trophies because of what they do are taxed to buy the fake trophies for those who’ve been taught to just show up.

ALICE: Oh Hatter….
MAD HATTER: Have some more tea, because it gets worse…


ALICE: What is worse than participation trophies?
MAD HATTER: The kids who grow up and create successful businesses are told “You didn’t build that.”

ALICE: But… no one else built them, so how does that make sense?
MAD HATTER: Others invented the wheel, built the roads, made the laws, so nothing is made in a vacuum.

ALICE: So what, though? If I baked a cake then I baked a cake.
MAD HATTER: Of course, but logic is not the point of the argument.

ALICE: Go on.
MAD HATTER: The point is the politicians want to tax everything, so claiming you didn’t build it means you cannot complain no matter how much the government takes from your endeavor.

ALICE: So those who’ve earned only Participation Trophies feel like they are equals to those who actually make a big difference?
MAD HATTER: Exactly. Those people are groomed to demand their share, regardless of their contributions. It seems fair to them — they cannot see a difference!

ALICE: And so many people won’t even feel obligated to do their best.
MAD HATTER: This is literally a disease of the mind; it leads to both economic and spiritual poverty.

ALICE: And to think it all seemed almost harmless! I can see why you might be Mad!
MAD HATTER: Yes, educators harming children and society for political reasons should upset everyone.




ALICE: Hatter, Something is bothering me. The Dormouse said I use so much sugar it is a crime. Is it true?
MAD HATTER: The answer is either NO, or MAYBE, depending on the type of law.

ALICE: How awkward, how can it be maybe?
MAD HATTER: The Queen’s law depends on Her mood. Any government’s laws can change.

ALICE: But she changes her mind all the time! How can the answer be NO, then?
MAD HATTER: Well, Natural Law never changes, because it is based on principle.

ALICE: Not changing sounds safer. How does it work?
MAD HATTER: In Natural Law, if there is no one who was tricked, bullied, or hurt – without their consent – there is no crime.

ALICE: Well it’s just me eating sugar, so who cares?
MAD HATTER: If the Queen pays your medical bills, then she can order you to do almost anything.

ALICE: Oh dear!
MAD HATTER: Ah, did you never wonder why the Queen would go to all that trouble?

ALICE: Oh dear oh dear!
MAD HATTER: Free medicine is quite “dear” indeed – it costs us in more ways than most people realize.

ALICE: I think there should be a law against Queen herself!
MAD HATTER: Naturally so.




Dorothy: I don’t understand taxes. Why are strangers taking the money I earned?
Wizard: You pay them to protect you.

Dorothy: But I don’t have a choice?
Wizard: People would not pay if they had a choice.

Dorothy: If I needed protection, I would be willing to pay.
Wizard: Trust me; you need protection — from those who collect the taxes.

Dorothy: If I don’t have a choice, then, isn’t it theft?
Wizard: Not according to the Judge.

Dorothy: Who is this Judge?
Wizard: A rich guy who is paid by your taxes.

Dorothy: I don’t like this, not one little bit.
Wizard: Try lying to yourself, it works for most people.

Taxes, Part II

Dorothy: Wizard, about taxes, there is more to it than just the Judge, isn’t there?
Wizard: Yes Dorothy. The Majority set up a system which let’s this happen.

Dorothy: Why does a group have the right to take what is mine, while I cannot take their stuff?
Wizard: Because they are stronger.

Dorothy: Might makes right, then?
Wizard: Only for the Government, who has a monopoly on legal aggressive force.

Dorothy: Wizard, you have explained the HOW, but not the WHY. By what RIGHT do they steal from me?
Wizard: I’ve studied this, and every attempted answer is a mere word salad of contradictions.

Dorothy: What other wretched things does the government let itself do to me?
Wizard: That totally depends on what the People will put up with.

Dorothy: This should be taught in our schools!
Wizard: In our government schools?

Dorothy: Oh, right.
